tourism on the riverbeaches of the Araguaia and Tocantins |
Bico do Papagaio &
the riverbeaches of the Araguia and the Tocantins |
With a little fantasy the contour of the Tocantins map draws a parrot's head with
a beak. At the Northern extremity, the
Araguaia river meets the Tocantins penetrating the state of Pará.
Boat rides, amateur fishing, sunbathing in fluvial beaches,
visitation to forest areas, these are some of the options for leisure
and ecotourism.
This region has had a near past of the famous Guerrila
of Araguaia and other conflicts over land dispute. Today, the
municipalities fight for different reasons: development and growth
through tourism. The region is extremely rich in natural resorts like
islands, beaches covered on many spots by the amazon rain forest.
Besides tourism, the region has had its economy based on agriculture,
cattle raising and fishing. The
vegetation presents differentiation between the scrub and the
ecosystem of the Amazon forest, characterizing a transition zone among
Araguaia beaches
1. Esperantina
At the Cotia lake's borders was the beginning of Esperantina village,
with a beautíul name and a tourist special vocation. Esperantina is
the place where that magnificent show happens: the Araguaia and
Tocantins rivers' meeting. Besides this Esperantina is decorated by
many clear water lakes where the tourists obtain salutary baths.
Distance from Palmas: 760km
Inhabitants: 7.000
Town hall: 4261124

The summer season is so intense in this town that there is even an
official beach. They have chosen as the most beautiful one the Ponto do
Areia beach, where is a ready infrastructure for a long and pleasant
summer. There are stages with daily shows, camps, beach hotels,
typical outside restaurants and the river with beautiful woods,
delicious fruits at its border and fishes.
It had its population started after the first half of the 19th
century. Very important to the Bico Region, this town lives on
agriculture, lumbering, fishing and small business.

Situated on the Araguaia bank, the town offers what the river has the
best: beaches, water everywhere and a beautiful panorama.
Ponto da Areia Beach
Official beach of Araguatins during summer time (lasting from June
through September). Its sand area is surrounded by enormous amazon
trees. The tourist flow is large and the access is by boat leaving
from the harbor. The best of camping and fishing is found in São
Bento Beach. It is a 6 km strech of woods and quietness. The boat trip
takes approximately two and a half hours, enough time to explore the
river panorama. On the way to the beach there is another one:
"São Raimundo", an extension of 5 km beach located on São
Vicente Island.
Distance from Palmas: 660km
Inhabitants: 22.000
Hotel Mongo, Av. Pedro Ludovico Q 2, S/nº. Lt5 Nr382,
Town hall: 8451166
3. Xambioá
Xambioá means "swift bird" in Tupi-guarani language.
Today, the name means a quiet town on the Araguaia margin. The town is
eager to change "quickly" though, in order to bring
development and a better living for its people. Tourism may be a way
to do it along with cattle raising, agriculture and fishing.
What the town really needs is to leave behind traces from the
Guerrilla of Araguaia, a Brazilian leftist movement against the
military go.vernment in the 60's and 70's. The conflicts brought too
many problems to the residents. Some say it's history and now the town
is "taken over" by tourists from all over Brazil who come
looking for the beaches, the amazonian panorama with its stunning
sunset over the Araguaia waters.
Murici Beach is the first stop recommended. Along its 1 km of calm
waters the vegetation is rich in "murici" and
"caju" (cashew). The fish are “pacu",
"piau","cari" and "peixe-voador". It's a
25 minutes ride upstream.
Also a great place for fishing is Paletó Island with its restful
beach waters. AII you need is a fishing rod and a few baits. The
course takes an hour ride upstream leaving from Xambioá harbor.
Another option is to follow the way to Campo Island, a 1,5 km long
by 500m wide beach area. This is a permanent beach that never gets
covered by the river waters. Its vegetation and climate are typically
from the Amazon Forest. The access takes one hour by boat. There is a
course of river rapids and it's recommended that a guide be taken
For those who would like an adventurous journey it's a great idea
to go down the "Corredeiras de Xambioá', an extension of 6 km of
river rapids. A thick vegetion is part of the scenery along with
herons, hawks, diver birds, monkeys and deers. From many places there
one can appreciate "Serra das
Andorinhas" in the state of Pará. But it's good to remind that
the watercourse should be led by someone familiar with the river
After this exciting experience one can also enjoy pools and
waterfalls like Poςão do Noleto a 15m
long water sled, the "Balneário Poςão
" with bar service and disco music on Sunday afternoons, and
"Cachoeira da Cascata” a 30m long waterfall that forms a 10 m
(in diameter) pool at its bottom.
The month of July offers “Micaxam”, a local carnival party and
also the no less traditional square dance and lots of craft fairs.
Distance from Palmas: 500km
Inhabitants: 11.000
/ bar:
Ayeme Rio Discoclub, Rua José
Bonifácio 473, club & churrascaria, 1.500 persons, 24 h
Bem Bolado, Praça do Mercado Municipal; bar; capacidade: 250 persons;
24 h
Piroska, next to Posto de Saúde São José, local dish, 50 persons,
Doce Vida Restaurant, Av.
Pres. Vargas s/n.º; local dish, 150 persons; open 10 to 23 h
Churrascaria Canequinho, Rua 7 de Setembro s/n.º, 50 persons; open 10
to 23 h
Grande Hotel Nossa Signora Fatima,
Hotel Araguia 8431152
Town hall: 8431183
Small town along the Araguaia River, Araguana became
independent in 1992. Originally, its land was occupied by Indians like
most of the Bico Region and then taken by northeasterners. Cattle
raising is the main activity .
Araguanã Island
It has lots of white sand beaches of thick and tight vegetation.
The town administration provides an "ecological boat" that
takes tours around the island and to fishing places. The island is 5
km off downtown.
Ilha Grande Beach - Sits on another large island of the Araguaia River
and has a typical vegetation of the Amazon Forest. It is the most
popular beach with an extension of 5 km for camping and sport
activities. Its season goes from June to September. The river goes up
till 15 meters in flood.
Go to the Praia do Escapole and the Praia do Murici. Try local
cuisine: rice with ´pequi´ and the Caldo do Chambari.
Distance from Palmas: 480km
Inhabitants: 3.000
Hotel Fazenda Solar do Araguia, at the Araguia river, 9 chalets,
restaurant, swimming pool
Town hall: Av. principal, s/n.º, 4281105
5. Pau d´arco / Arapoema
Pau d´arco
A true archipelago surrounded by fresh crystal clear waters, with
islands if white sands and woods in the middle of the Araguaia river.
The Praia da Cigana, only 3km away from downtown, has a charming set
of lagoons. It is ideal for fishing and ecological camping. The
islands´ only access is through the voadeiras (flying vessels), small
Distance from Palmas: 480km
Inhabitants: 4.000

is an Araguaia River poem. The sunset is worshipped in many beaches all
over the world, but in Arapoema the sunset is the proper city´s name
! The Santa Terezinha do Menino Jesus, the local patroness, attracts
thousands of pilgrims every year in October 1st. Among the outstanding
landscapes in Arapoema there is the Jacu Port and the dense woods in
the middle of Araguaia River, forming almost small islands.
Distance from Palmas: 480km
Inhabitants: 9.000
Hotels: Rogerio´s Rua Minas Gerais 3, 8351161
Town hall: 8451166
6. Juarina
7. Couto de Magalhães
From June to September in summer season the beaches appear in Araguacema
as a mirage in an intense green horizon.
The Porto, Meio, Gaivota, Camaleão, Madalena beaches among many
others are the most wanted in the state. The Praia da Gaivota (see
picture) is famed for having a complete infrastructure. You can taste
typical fish dishes and watch the regional dances like the Danca do
Tambor, of African slave origin.
The fishing club Araguaia is a tourist complex idealized to fishing
lovers. Countless fish schools go up the river in the dry season.
In 1812 the colonization of Araguacema started with the foundation of
the prison of Santa Maria, for the protection of the trade and
navigation of the steamboat company
Companhia de Navegação a Vapor at the Rio Araguaia. It was attacked
by the indians of the Xavante and Carajá tribe. The governor D. João
VI eventually reestablished
the prison.
In 1858 father Francisco do Monte São Vítor iniciates the
construction of a chapel meant to catechise indians. A village was
created with the name Santa Maria do Araguaia, becoming official city
in 1937. In 1945 its name became Araguacema, meaning city of the river
village attracted pioneers and adventurers from all over the country.
The prison contributed to the development, helping to garantuee the
rubber transport on the river during the golden ages. Today the
economical activities of the city are cattle, agriculture, mining and
fishing. Because of the beautiful beaches as well as rich fauna and
flora it is expected that tourism will be growing business here. The
city is part of the
- Associação dos Municípios com Potencial Turístico do Brasil.
The innumerous beaches are considered the most beautiful of Tocantins,
because of the white and fine sand crossed by canals of transparant
water. Altogether a mixture of islands and lakes with a rich
vegetation attracting birds and fish. Local amateur fishers find their
way to the 2.800 lakes or to the river Araguaia which is ideal for
fishing between June and September.
The main beaches are Praia do Porto, Praia do Camaleão, Praia do
Meio, Praia do Gato, Praia do Mambuca, Praia do Chicão e Praia da
Gaivota. The
beach Da Gaivota at the Araguaia is well known.
The Praia do Porto is the large island in front of the city,
3,5 by 2,5 km, which rich vegetation.
In summertime, June to September, the beach is prepared to receive
many tourists brought with fast boats.
The Praia do Meio is the largest beach, 3km by 2,5km, located
on an island with the same name, 20 minutes by boat.Vegetation of
Amazone Forest with the presence of saarã,
goiabinha and other typical cerrado trees. The beach is a paradise
with greenish water with little current. You will see araras,
parakeets, tapirs, deers and turtles. Fish such as pacu, tucunaré,
jaraqui and pirarucu.
The Praia da Madalena is visited in September by turtles that
lay eggs in the sand.
The Araguaia
Clube de Pesca is a touristic club for those who like to fish.
The religious festivities of Nossa Senhora da Divina Providência
at the Capela de Nossa Senhora da Divina Providencia are
a yearly event on March 10th.
Distance from Palmas:
Inhabitants: 5.000
Bar das Gaivotas, Praca Beira Rio
Lanchonete Beira Rio
Beira Rio 8301112
Hotel Araguaia
Town hall: 8301132
Departamento de Turismo: Praça Getúlio Vargas, 384 - Phone:
9. Caseara
Caseara is the Cantão Park gateway, and
has the majority of the region´s beautiful lakes, with several
rivers, streams and rivulets with plenty of fish, being an excellent
option for sport fishing. Its islands and beaches, of clear green
waters, with pleasant temperature and bucolic landscapes of Amazon
features, are an invitation for adventure and leisure you can´t
refuse. Praia do Sol, close to the city, is the most sought after in
the summer season, and has good infrastructure.
Distance from Palmas: 260km
Inhabitants: 4.000
Churrascaria Nova Querencia 8791150
Churrascaria Bosque, Rua Paraíso
s/n.º, regional dish, 150 persons; 24 h
Churrascaria Tarunã, Av.
Barão do Rio Branco, n.º 362; regional
dish, 300 persons; 24 h
Amor: Av. Campo Alegre s/n.º; bar, 300 persons: open 11 to 23 h
Fazenda Lago Formoso 8791161
Hotel Tarunã, Rua Barão do
Rio Branco, n.º 367
Hotel Entre Rios, Av. Br. Rio Branco 260, Sector S. Central,
Hotel Fazenda Lago Formoso, Av. Campo Alegre Q61, S/nº. Lt6, Sector
S. Central, 3791161
Pousada do Araguaia, Faz. Cantao Q Ar, S/nº. Ltsn, Zona Rura, 3791148
Pousada Sonho Meu, Av. Barra do Coco Q 72, S/nº. Lt18 19, S Central, 3791115
Hospital Municipal de Caseara 8791110
da Educação, Turismo e Lazer -
Av. Trajano de Almeida, s/n.º - Phone: 8791120/1122
Northern Tocantins beaches
Distance from Palmas: km
Pousada Pouzada, Rua Pres Vargas 382, 4361182
is a city founded at the beginings of the 20th century, around the ´30s.
Its people has a religious character and they celebrate with pride the
July, 16th, Nossa Senhora do Carmo´s Day, a very well worshipped
saint at the Tocantins' State.
The São Francisco, still a primitive beach, is its best attraction.
Distance from Palmas: 680km
Inhabitants: 5.000
A city deeply penetrated into the woods, Itaguatins shows the
Tocantins river's passage where the water discharge and watercourse
are more intense.
It is the Santo Antonio waterfall that throws strong armful water and
vigorous whirls.
The neighbourhood with Imperatriz city, in Maranhão's State, makes
Itaguatins being a very special tourist place.
Distance from Palmas: 600km
Inhabitants: 6.000 |
4. Tocantinópolis
Situated on the left margin of the Tocantins River, it had its
population started in 1818. Unlike most other towns, gold was not what
brought people over, but its rich soil, wood
abundance and the "babaςuais".
Hitherto, agriculture, cattle raising along with small business make
the economy. Tourism is already showing signs of strength through
private enterprise investiments.
Distance from Palmas: 530km
Inhabitants: 23.000 |
Water resorts
"Ribeirão Grande" is a tourism complex of private water
resorts located in Ribeirão Grande River, 6 km off downtown. The
natural scenery is unbelievable. A typically thick amazon vegetation
on one side, and on the other, large scattered fruit trees like
buriti, coconut, macaúa, ienipapo, mutamba, cinzeiro, cupuaçu,
ingá, cashew and many others. Like its rich flora so it is its fauna.
Amidst watering places, stands out Elaide: an ecological resort
with10 lodges and 26 bungalows, all roofed with straw. The
surroundings were originally kept and crystal clear waters run around
the bungalows showing fish in the bottom of the river. Guests have
access to barbecue grill, bars, snack places, dance hall and sports
like volleyball and soccer.
Tocantinópolis has also beautiful beaches. Choices are between busy,
crowded places with facilities or calm, quiet, ecological spots with
turtles and virgin vegetation.
Fernando Beach is the most popular beach. It is located 1 km from
downtown at the left margin of Tocantins River. Here tourists will
find the convenience of camping facilities.
Ipapecônia Beach lays along 4 km of white sand and the Tocantins
vegetation with its birds and otheí animals. It's 20km from the city.
Tauri Beach has the uItimate in ecotourism. Fresh-water turtles and
tortoise fascinate a passer-by. It is also great for fishing. It's a 3
hour trip going down Tocantins River.
Religious belief is part of the Tocantinópolis people.
There's a special location for "Nossa Senhora dos
Navegantes" (Our Lady of Seamen): "llha Santa" (Holy
Island). According to residents, ever since the statue was put on top
of a stone altar, 50 years ago, floods were never high enough to cover
the statue. They believe that if it otherwise happens
Tocantinópolis will be inundated. The island sits across from town at
a 10 minutes boat ride.
accommodation there's one hotel with 26 beds besides camping areas on
the beach and water resorts. Restaurants can serve up to 2.500 people
offering the best of regional cuisine with delicious tish dishes.
Hotel Presidente, Rua Maranhão
392; local dish
Chapeu de palha, Praça Salim Gomes; local dish, 500 persons
Recanto da Velha Guarda, Praça Salim Gomes; local dish, 300 persons
Barraca Beira Rio, Praça Salim Gomes; local dish, 400 persons
Peixaria Peixe, Praça Salim Gomes; fish, 300 persons
Restaurante & Churrascaria, Av. 15 de Novembro, s/n.º, local
dish, 200 persons
Restaurant Porta Larga, Praça Apinagé, s/n.º, local dish, 500
Restaurant da Nair, Rua da Areia, s/n.º, local dish, 300 persons
Delegacia de Policia,
Rua Horácio Negreiro, s/n.º; Setor Aeroporto - Phone: 841-
Rua 7 de setembro, n.º 241; Darcinópolis
Rua Maré Belizara, n.º 244; Cachoeirinha
Rua Deputado Darci Marinho; Alto Bonito
Rua Maranhão, n.º 493; Phone: 841-1210
Hospital São
Lucas, Rua Padre Ludovico, n.º
286; Phone: 8411300
Terminal Rodoviário de Tocantinópolis: Rua Antônio Gregório
de Sousa, s/n.º
Hall, Prefeitura, Rua
Pedro Ludovico, n.º 46 - Phone: 841-2022/2162/2178
A new city with well appreciated beaches
called Praia do Ipê and Praia da Ponte. The Ilha do Cabral with
preserved primary woods, makes one of the most beautiful beaches of
the region during the dry season. The North-South railway will be a
link between
Aguiarnópolis and Itaqui seaport in São
Luís do Maranhão.
6. Babaçulândia
A thriving commercial establishment settled by Henrique Brito in 1926
originated to a village that nowadays is Babaçulândia city. There we
can see the Jenipapo Waterfall, the Tocantins River beaches and the
Corrente River´s waterfall.
Babaçulândia is an important commercial center for the Babaçu
coconut extraction, a fruit very rich in oil.
7. Filadélfia
Everybody asks about this city origin when hearing the name, if it is
Greek or a North-American city homonym. But the name was a tribute to
its founder, Mr. Filadelfio Antonio de Noronha. In Filadélfia
during the summer the winds deposit very long sand columns at the
river´s border, forming outstanding beaches. It is a nice place for
fishing and ride boats. The Vitoria Stream and the Cunha River are
goods options to visit.
Hotel Pipes, Av. Getúlio Vargas 2, tel 4781115
8. Itapiratins
9. Tupiratins
10. Pedro
Pedro Afonso is an ancient city from the beginning of the century. It
preserves in its architecture an interesting
part of the State History. Its native beauties are even more
interesting: The Rio do Sono Beach, the Ribeirão Góis and
the Poção do Ribeirão are natural sculptures. Pedro Afonso
is also the PRODECER head-office (Programa de Desenvolvimento do
Cerrado/ Scrub's Development Programm), which main purpose is the
soybean culture.
September in the Nossa Senhora de Nazaré feast, the city
patroness, happens the religious state folias (a kind of
religious feast with dance, music and prayers), that is cheered up by
very gay quadrille.
that is Tupirama, with a very receptive people and beaches as Bom
Será and Praia Grande. The Bom Será Beach
is famous all over the Tocantins' State.
12. Tocantinia
The Tocantínia history is linked to the relationship between the
settlers and the Xerente Indians. The majority of the Tocantínia
territory is formed by their demarcated reservation. The São
Sebastião Church, the main building in Tocantínia, is an Indian
Many of them, habitates nowadays the urban center, almost
disassociated with the Indian settlements life.
It is an instigating sociological conformity. It is worth the
experience of living in Tocantínia. It is confronted with Miracema
city. Tocantínia and Miracema are oníy bathed by Tocantins River, so
they are good options to a city tour.
Between the rivers
1. Araguaína
Araguaína has grown after the construction of the
Belém-Brasíia interstate highway. The highway traffic heading North
and Northeastern regions goes through the town making Araguaía the
doorway to great centers. As a cattle raising town, it is also known
as "The capital of fatty cattle". It has the state largest
population and a very busy trading activity. Furniture manufacturing,
cloth making and agro-industries are its main industry. The Federal
Government will install in town a ZPE - Exporting Process Zone.
The two maior events that take place in Araguaía are "Exposiςão
Agropecuária" (an exhibition of farming activities) with rodeos,
concerts and festivities attracting thousands of people every year.
The other event is the "Feneara" (a business tair for small
and medium companies in Araguaía) showing commercial and industrial
activities of Araguaía. The city has a diversified craftsmanship on
wood, clay, straw, stones, painting on cloth and a lot more. Night
life counts on large restaurants, pizzerias, bars and a nightclub that
holds up 700 people. Hotels can accommodate up to 500 people.
Hotel Araguia, Rua Pres Castelo Branco Q 22, S/nº, 4133387
Hotel Araguatins Av. Tocantins Q 11, 4131770
Hotel Birds Av. José Brito Soare 1010, 4212119
Hotel Eros Av. Filadelfia, S/nº, 4131488
Hotel Estrela Dalva Rua 1 de Janeiro Q E2, 4211876
Hotel Marazul Av. Bernardo Sayao 491, 4151070
Hotel Olynthos Estancia Av. Amazonas 819, 4144039
Hotel Planalto Av. Con João Lima 1977, 4211598
Hotel Rio Rua 13 de Maio 115 , 4131322
Hotel Sao Vicente Av. Con João Lima Q 41, S/nº. Lt2 3 Nr2446, 4143007
Hotel Tarcisio S Palace Av. Perimetral Q 3, 4131110
Hotel Tarumam Av. Con João Lima 541, 4212378
Hotel Transbrasiliana Av. Bernardo Sayao 824, 4151222
Hotel Trevo Av. Bernardo Sayao 581, 4152509
2. Colinas
The most remarkable characteristic of Colinas is the fact that it is a
planned city and contemporary to Brasilia´s construction.
Colinas was a way to North, the settled point along the Belem-Brasilia
highway beforereaching Belem. It is also important because one of its
founders was Mr. J.W. Siquero Campos.
Hotel Capivara, Rodv. Br 153 Km231, 4761130
Hotel Cunhas, Pça. 7 de Setembro Q 22, S/nº. Lt2 Nr14, 4763687
Hotel Fenix, Av. Pedro Lud Teixeira 236 Ed, 4761736
Hotel Karina, Av. Raul R Oliveira Q 50, S/nº. Km1164 Lt12,
Hotel Mineiro, Rua 7 de Setembro 247, 4761951
Hotel Pousada, Rodv. Br 153, 4761327