Palmas Tocantins
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Este site permite a empresas e organizacoes em Palmas que se apresentem gratuitamente.
Se esta interessado, contacte-nos por e-mail.
Enter this bar to grasp Brazilian food and drinks.
A culinary tour with 1001 links.
We are often requested for addresses and prices of handicraft.
We recommend that you contact the Secretaria da Cultura at Palmas.
e informações sobre artesanato do Tocantins:
Secretaria da
Cultura, tel. (0633) 2181466.
Three organizations are trying to support and bring structure to
the production and marketing of handicraft in Tocantins:
-Fundação Cultural
-Secretaria de Cultura do Tocantins
-Serviço Brasileiro de Apoio às Micro e Pequenas Empresas
Several local
associations can be contacted: Araguatins, Araguaína, Gurupi,
Guaraí, Itacajá, Palmas, Porto Nacional, Natividade and
others. Below a
list of contacts.
For a complete list, check
Every October the
Feira de Artesanato do Estado (Fecoart) is held in Palmas. This
event combines folklore, handicraft and typical dishes.
The artesanato in
Tocantins is clearly influenced by the original indian culture.
Styles and techniques are learned from Indians. Very typical is
the use of fibers, like buriti and capim dourado.
At Chapada da Natividade and Príncipe you can visit
gold mines at work. The ´garimpos´ work at a depth of
50 to 60 meters. The earth is brought to the surface and
filtered with water. Some gold dust remains. After
purifying the gold with mercury, the gold is used to
prepare jewels. The studios can be visited and you can
buy various rings, broches, necklaces and objects.
painting and bordering
Visit a local and weekly Feira (market) to find various
handmade cloths.
Picture: Dona Julia, Dilza and Belinha at Natividade.
de Babaçu
Picture: Desfile de
artesanato 2002
Palha de Babaçu from
With Capim Dourado
Ass. dos Art. Dianópolis
Indian art
You can find Indian handicraft in the shops called Casa
de Artesanato. But when you travel in the neighborhood
of Indian reservations, you will meet Indians and they
will offer you necklaces, hairclips and other products
made of Capim Dourado, Buriti, dried berries and other
materials found in nature.
You will
notice that it must have taken much time to make these
products, while these are offered for several real.
If you decide
to visit the reservations, please be accompanied by a
guide or an official.