Links recomendados:
protected areas & parks
Durante 3
decênios o região do Tocantins foi um lugar para vaqueiros, e
neste momento esta se mudando em um estado de agricultura nas
mãos de investidores do sul e de outros países.
Dá para imaginar que este estado, ficando distante do mar, não
tem uma cultura turística
Mesmo como outros estados no centro do Brasil, não tendo um
litoral, Tocantins tem falta de infra-estruturas para turismo.
A conseqüência é, que vários atrações ainda estam para ser
descobertos, reconhecidos, maquilados, comunicados e feitos
No outro lado,
o governo do estado tem grandes expectativas, e acredita que o
estado tem um grande potencial turístico. Em baixa um texto de
um folder turístico em Inglês.
Vários serviços foram criados para começar de mapear os
destaques turísticos e para desenvolver estruturas: Secretaria
de Turismo, Seplan, Amatur e Catur. No mesmo momento, Ibama
tenta de proteger os tesouros, sem fechar tudo radicalmente.
O que o estado
de Tocantins tem para oferecer neste momento?
Para turistas de longe, vale a pena para conhecer:
de perto podem se divertir com:
Esportes de aventura, como offroad e rafting
Pescar no rio de
Ficar um fim de semana nas praias dos rios
E um prazer de
viajar no estado do Tocantins. Tem poucas cenas espantosas, mas
as estradas são boas, a comida é boa, e o povo é afetuoso. Para
encontrar animais selvagens, e melhor para campar, passear e
passear de barco.
O capital
Palmas, e uma cidade ideal para ficar. E pequena, conveniente e
tem bons restaurantes e hotéis. Palmas e o capital turistico do
As seguintes organicações podem te ajudar com mas informações:
The State of Tocantins has a huge ecological tourism potential,
thanks to its several natural attractíons, with breathtaking landscapes spread all
over ís territory. Its exuberant flora and wildlife are sure to
delight even the most demanding sightseer.
Apart from these, there are also historical and cultural attractions,
which are being preserved in the old towns together with their traditions and
The State's scenic variety is due to the fact that it is a
transition among the cerrado, pantanal, semi-árido and Amazon forest ecological systems,
all fusing harmoniously; creating exquisite settings.
Its main rivers, the Tocantins and Araguaia, have an extensive course,
flowing an almost parallel route dotted with beautiful surroundings,
decorating the nearby cities with a bounty of river beaches, plenty of
fish and with an enormous ecological tourism potential.
Tocantins State has many attractions to suit all tastes. Spread
over the 10 program areas in which the State has been divided
for the implementation of the regional development program, tourists
have options ranging from archeological sites to beautiful virgin river beaches, covered with fine white sands
at the Araguaia river banks, along with historical towns, mountain
ranges, savannas and other features appealing to the adventuresome
The State's several tourist destinations are far from being fully
developed to their potential, leaving ample room for growth of the
regional, national and even international ecological tourism trade.
Most of its attractions are the fascinating river beaches, islands,
falls, valleys and mountain ranges and a pleasant temperature all year
around is bringing an increasing flow of tourists. In the dry season,
when the Tocantins and Araguaia Rivers flow is reduced, several
beaches arise in an exotic scenery sunny and mild, with almost virgin
white sands. It goes from June to September, and is attracting
visitors from all over Brazil and even from abroad. During the season,
the State Government and municipal, administrations provide the basic
infrastructure like power, water and sewage lines, boats, security,
medical services, rescue, telephone, banks, sports arenas and stages
for shows and presentations.
Because of its huge touristpotential, Tocantins is wide open to
investments. The Government offers all support to prospective investors, including
project elaboration and analysis, information on the specific project
and assistance in getting financing with (Federal Government Credit
Agencies and with commercial banks. There are several opportunities in
lodging, catering, tours, transport, health, communications, sport,
cultural and leisure activities, theme and water parks, social and
sports clubs, personnel training, camping, hunting and fishing clubs.
In one of the most paradisiacal sites, on the Araguaia river right
bank at Bananal Island Extreme North, the State Government, together with private
investors, is carrying on a pioneering ecological tourism project, the
"Cantão Project”, with a lodging complex, airfield and a
complete leisure structure for even the most demanding tourist. To
preserve the fragile environment, access to the project will only be
possible by river or from the air.
With so many investment opportunities, the State is implementing a
Tourism Policy satisfying the visitors while protecting the State's
cultural heritage and preserving the environment.