Palmas Tocantins

The center of Brazil and a center for entrepreneurs and ecotourists.

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Riverbeaches and hills with waterfalls

  Palmas region, the center of the state

The region of Palmas comprises, besides the state capital, five municipalities. Some towns were founded during colonial period presenting traces of an architecture from the 18th's century which contrasts with the modern construction found the Palmas.

Lajeado 50km north of Palmas
Miracema 60km north of Palmas
Monte do Carmo 90km south of Palmas
Paraíso do Tocantins 60km west of Palmas
Porto Nacional 60km south of Palmas
Things to do in Palmas town:
  • visit the museum of Tocantins, in the Palacinho.
  • take a boat to the island opposite Graciosa beach.
  • visit the beaches Graciosa, Praia da Prata, Praia das Arnos

Things to do near Palmas

  • visit the valley of Taquaruçu, southeast of Palmas
  • have a walk in the hills of Lajeado, north of Palmas
  • visit the Lajeado dam

Southeast of Palmas at 30km distance, Taquaruçu, is a pleasant little village in a green valley.
The beautiful mountain range has an altar facing the valley panorama. After so much walking and trail hiking it´s time for refreshing: Five waterfalls, two of them called "Roncador" and "Brejo da Lagoa" are less than 300 meter apart from each other and are both 70 meter high. Taquaraçu Falls, Lajedos and Macaco are a bit shorter though offer as much fun. For accommodation, there are seven hotels with 425 beds, restaurants and bar lounges.
Taquaruçu has a pleasant climate. The area is covered with dense palmaceous vegetation, specially the Babaçu kind, and is a jointure of the cerrado and the amazon vegetation.

North of Palmas, situated at 18 km away from downtown the Ecological Reserve of Serra do Lajeado offers a perfect environment for nature observers. It shelters more than 138 animal species under a diversified vegetation. It´s a truly "ecological safari". Mountain hiking is an option for sport lovers.

Lajeado is the name of a town, a river and the hills north east of Palmas. The place is known for its stories of unusual signs of light appearing over the mountains. 
Lajeado Falls holds an important project built in the 60's: a hydroelectric power-station. On the way to these falls one finds the most beautiful views of Serra do Carmo and Morro do Leão.  

For a panaromic view over the lake and Palmas: take the TO-010, in the direction of Lajeado, check kilometer sign 13  and find a small road on the right. Drive to the fazenda 3km further and then follow the track by foot.
The most interesting waterfall is called Mirindiba. Take the road at sign 22km.
Our suggestion is that you hire a guide at Catur. Catur is located at the Parque Cesamar in Palmas.

Serra do Lajeado gathers three different types of vegetation: caatinga (a stunted sparse forest), patches of trees and tropical forest. Wild animals, most in extinction, are found there.
The exotic is also present:
Morro do Segredo (Secret Mountain) is full of folk tales about its volcano like form.  According to local residents these mountain keep a lot of secrets about mysterious signs coming from flying objects.  
The atmosfere of magic is further enhanced by the great slabs of granite which gave the town its name and by the old indian inscriptions on a panel in the Serra das Escritas.

Along the Tocantins margins this town has also great beaches as its main attractions. Mirassol and Funil Beaches offer great area for camping and a beautiful view.

Balneário Correntinho is surrounded by typically northern vegetation and has a more structured location with restaurants, sand courts, soccer field and obviously a natural pool. Coconut base fish dishes go well with vodka mixed with coconutwater.

Hammocks, fish nets and sculptures are part of local art crafts along with Xerente Indians handiwork. For accommodation the town counts on two hotels with 100 beds.  

Monte do Carmo
A very pleasant town nearly 250 years old with a simple architectural complex of narrow streets. 
The early settlement was predominantly by families from Bahia, that brought a strong afro-brasilien influence. That has been preserved in festivals like Taieiras and Divino.

The Our Lady of Rosário Church was inherited by its inhabitants from its first colonizers.

Religious festivities take place in July with street celebrations and pilgrimages. The town residents are extremely hospitable to outsiders with its tasteful dishes.

Located in Serra do Carmo, Morro das Figuras has 10 tall rock formations from 5 to 30 meters high, looking like men. On the same hills you find Morro do Salão, a cave with prehistoric inscriptions.  

Cachoeira de Suero (Snoring Falls) According to residents these falis give them signs of rain when it "breathes heavily" making loud noises. That is what Monte do Carmo is about. Legend, tradition and beauty.

Paraíso do Tocantins
The name means "paradise" in Portuguese due to a naturally beautiful landscape. The town exports rice, corn and soya. The history is linked to the highway.

Porto Nacional

Founded when Brazil was still a Portuguese colony, the city was first known as Porto Real. Later Porto Imperial. Catholic institutes had a profound impact on the early growth of the city where the first missionaries arrived in 1886. The construction of the Transbrasilien Highway in the sixties and the bridge in 1979 accelerated the growth.
Today the city´s churches, centuries-old mansions and longstanding traditions are witness to its status as the cultural cradle of the state.
With the coming of the Lajeado hydropower plant, the city has built a modern riverside.
The Our Lady of Mercês Cathedral is truly a city post card for its romantic construction with columns and arches inspired by Toulouse style, France.
Influenced by Maranhão, Piaui and Bahia it couldn´t help typically northerner characteristics in its music and dances (forró). Clube do Zuíno has a great space for dance parties at the accordion sound. During carnival five thousand people go around town at the "Folia do Pau d´Oleo" command. This group has brought to town the liveliest carnival celebration.

For accommodation visitors count on three hotels with 165 beds. The Ipê Country Club has also a good structure of bar services and restaurants.

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