Jalapão is the name of a deserted region of 34.000 km2
in the east of the state Tocantins between the city Palmas and
the state Bahia. It is a flat and dry savanna
with no trees higher than 2 meter and small rivers that slice
deep through the red soil.
The area can be crossed via one
rough road. A long trail of dust will mark the presence of a
visitor. But visitors are to prepare themselves well for the
trip because Jalapão is hostile and completely deserted.
Well, almost completely...
Click on the picture for a larger view on the main route through Jalapão.
This main route of about 500km takes 3 days. Of course you
can easily extend your trip by taking sideways.
Pedra Furada near Ponte Alta
Ponte Alta is
one of the 3 villages suitable
for a night sleep on a mattress, restaurant food, and the preparation of the car. Diving
from the bridge is a habit here.
desert like country
used to be very unknown, and only some decades ago the
government found out that it hided the biggest
cocaine plantage of Brazil.
East Jalapao has the lowest number of people per m2 of Brazil.
Today Jalapão is no
longer a secret, and tourist groups know the way.
But even now you will find deserted places and experience the feeling
of being far from everything.
Mr. Lili and his son, living at
the Rio Novo, show were the name Jalapão comes from. Jalapa
do Brasil is
the name of the herb that grows everywhere here. In the past it
has been used for medicinal teas.
A sideway to
..? No sign will tell you.
Dunes of 40m height with red and white sand,
small meandering rivers and little lakes. Most water in Jalapão is
is different from the rest of Tocantins.
It is said that it was once the bottom of the ocean, 350
million years ago.
Does this explain why there is so much sand ? The famous dunes of Jalapão are the
result of erosion from the nearby 800 meter high ‘chapado’.
The story goes that US army helicopters long ago came
here to pick
some sand for nuclear uses. Roads didn’t exist.
Picture: Serra do Espirito
Near the Cachoeira da Velha, is a
nice beach. At night near
the campfire it is wonderful to drink your caipirinha, look at
the stars and the moon and listen to the singing of your
Brazilian companions.
The first people that entered the region from the
northeast in the late 19th century found a very
hostile country. And today the only economical activity is
cattle breeding. And since some years there is ecotourism.
Most tourists visit the region by 4WD.
Organized groups
from Säo Paolo come here regularly and include a rafting trip
on the Rio Novo. Others just
cross it in several days, staying in one of the 3 villages, or
camping on a river beach. Jalapão has been often (in 1993, 1999
and 2000) part of the Rally Internacional dos
Sertões, the
5000 km rally through Brazil. This made Jalapão
famous. Several magazines wrote about this area:
Familia Aventura, Terra and Off Road.
Picture: Morro do Saco Trapo
Pedra da Beliza is on the border of 4 states: Bahia, Piaui,
Maranhão and
Tocantins. |
Near the village
Mateiros is a so called Fervedouro. The water comes up from the bottom
of a pond, filtered through the sand. The pressure pushes you
out of the water. In fact there is no bottom, only a soft mix
of sand and water. The pond is protected with planted banana plants.


An example of the
golden grass ´Capim Dourado', as produced at Mumbuca near
Mateiros. Read more.
Morro da Catedral
Near Novo Acordo you can see
another rock formation shaped by erosion of the see and the
wind: Morro do Gorgulho
Highlights per village:
Ponte Alta
Cachoeira de Suçuapara / Gruta do
Morro Solto
/ da Pedra Furada / da Cachorra / da Cruz
Cachoeira do Lajeado / do Brejo da
Lagoa da Taboca / das Caldeirões
Ponte Alta - Mateiros
Dunas da Serra do Espirito Santo
Cachoeira da Velha
Lagoa Encantada (Rio Novo)
Pedra da Baliza
Morro do Saco Trapo
Cachoeira da Formiga
Quilombo dos Mumbucas
São Felix
Morro da Catedral
Cachoeira do Rio da Prata
Praia do Rio Sono
São Felix - Novo Acordo
Morro do Gorgulho
Novo Acordo
Praia do Borges (Rio Sono)
Hotel do Holandês