Palmas Tocantins
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Lagoa de Confusão
is the name of the lake and the name of the village as well. The
sandy beach of 1km at the village is bordered with a well prepared area of
grass and is ideal for a barbeque with the family. Also you find various
bars and restaurants. The water is very undeep for a long distance, so it
is also ideal for children. It is not surprising that you encounter many
families and groups, coming from as far as Palmas, having a good
time with barbeques and radios.
For a one day trip from
Palmas it is not worth visiting, as it takes 3 hours driving. For eco
tourism a longer stay is worthwile. At the village you will find guides
who bring you to the interesting places nearby. They will show you other
lakes and wild animals.
Facts Climate: Dry with
temperatures varying between 22°C and 28°C. The rain season is from
Octobre to May. Distance from Palmas: 232km Habitants:
5000 Nabour villages: Cristalândia, Pium, Dueré, Ilha do
Bananal. Hotels: see below Touristic information:
Prefeitura Municipal, phone 063- 8641148 Road: Rodovia TO-230, from
Lagoa da Confusão to Cristalândia Airstrip: Unpaved,
History The area was discovered by adventurers who
travelled long distances for hunting and fishing. They found a swamp and
it was not clear if there was actually a lake. That confusion gave the
name. In 1941 a group leaded by Bartolomeu Barros found the lake by
accident. In 1967 he moved to live at the lakeside, as he liked the
beautiful nature and the quantity of fish. More people moved and started a
village. In 1991 the municipality Lagoa da Confusão was born, seperated
from the municipality Cristalândia.
Economical growth Initially the village was growing for 2
reasons: the discovery of chalkstone and the finishing of the road that
connected the village Barreira da Cruz to the Ilha do Bananal. People
build ovens to make chalk and up to now the main industrial activity is
the manufacturing of chalk. The area is very suitable for agriculture
as the plains are crossed by many small rivers. You find plantages with
rice and soja, but also cattle-breeding. The area is crossed by the rivers
Urubu, Formoso, Javaé e Araguaia and is ideal for ecotourism. The
village is part of the Amptur - Associação Brasileira dos Municípios com
Potencial Turístico.
lake The lake is natural and has a diameter of 4,5 km and a maximum
depth of 3m. Near the village are beaches of fine sand. A boat trip will
bring you to the other side of the lake. There is a rock that seems to
float while you pass by, a fenomenon that added to the name of the lake.
Nearby the rock is a nice lakeside with jungle: if you are lucky you see
monkees jumping. The vegetation at the riversides consist mainly of
Buriti palms. Near the village is one of the best equiped touristic
clubs of the state: Lagoa da Ilha Praia Clube. Here you can practice
nautic sports.
LAGO DOS PÁSSAROS An exotic lake
with hundreds of birds live together: jaburus, garças brancas, mergulhões,
tetéus, gaviões, urubus and colhereiros (garça rosa). The best time to go
is from June to September. It is 45km from the village, following the
direction Fazenda Conag. and then cross the river Rio Urubu, following an
unpaved road.
width of 15 meters catches your eye. It is in the middle of a square with
green grass like a garden. The yellow flowers against a background of the
blue sky are beautiful. It is 20km from the village. Direction Barreira
da Cruz, cross the river Rio Javaé, following on the island a road with
difficult access.
ILHA PRAIA CLUBE A large turistic complex with appartments
and a campsite. It is located at the lakeside, near the village, and
offers nautic equipment like boats and kajaks. It has also a swimming pool
and sporting facilities.
in limestone of 1km extension with various rooms and exotic stalactite
forms. The cave has a religious value for the local people. The cave can
only be visited in the dry season. It is 3km from the village. Direction
Gurupi, following a road to a chalk mine. From there following a path of
500m to the cave entrance.