Palmas Tocantins
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Enter this bar to grasp Brazilian food and drinks.
A culinary tour with 1001 links.
The Fish Lagoon turned the
city into an enchanted place because of the large quantities of fish
that were available during the colonial period. It is a good place
for amateur fishing and boat rides. At the Tartaruga beach you
can find two kinds of Brazilian reptiles making it worth visiting:
Quelônios and Tracajás.
Distance from Palmas:
The city of Peixe originates from
the encampment of lieutenant Ramos Jubé, who stayed here serving the
Governador da Província to protect the missionaries coming from Vila
Boa de Goiás to Natividade against the Caneiros indians. The indians
of this nomadic tribe were intelligent, good horsemen, excellent
rowers and were always attacking the Arraial do Peixe (fish
village). Ramos built the first houses with tiles, resembling a
fort. He also iniciated the building of a house of prayer were now
is the Praça Getúlio Vargas. Here a statue was made for Nossa
Senhora da Abadia, the patroness of the city, celebrated yearly on
the 15th of August. This much admired statue is considered to be
made by the famous saint-sculptor from Goiás, Veiga
Vale. Another version of the origin of the city has to do
with pioneers that came here looking for a treasure. A treasure map
left out of a document by Jesuites saying: ´On the highest rock of
the Rio Santa Tereza, named Itans, is buried the biggest treasure of
the Jesuits...´ As far as known no treasure has been found.
Initially the location was called Santa Cruz das Itans. A flood of
the river Tocantins reached a lake 2 km from the village. When the
water fell, a fish was trapped with a size that was never seen
before in the region. From that moment the village was known as
Porto do Peixe. Later it was called Vila de Santo Antônio do Peixe.
In 1938 it received its current name Peixe.
The first inhabitants suffered from the
continuous attacks by the indians, who hated the white people
because of the prosecution by the conquering captains and
commanders. Living under a constant stress the residents seek
support from Nossa Senhora da Abadia. After the statue arrived in
the city the indians did no more attack. Today the city is well
structured and aiming at tourism. More than 8.000 inhabitants live
on agriculture and cattle. Main products are rice, soja and corn.
Some mining is done for gold, mica, cristal, limestone and clay.
Wood from the ´matas´are cedar, aroeira,angico and sucupira. Fish
from the river: caranhas, jaus, pacus, barbados and others.
Praia do
Peixe Cristalclear
waters and white beaches for 3km2. The riverbanks are grown
with intense vegetation and offer the possibilities for
camping, fishing and canoeing from June to September. It takes
10 minutes by boat to arrive here on the left banks of the
river Tocantins.
Praia da Tartaruga A large beach of 2km2,
given its name for the many turtles that visit the sand. Two
kinds of Brazilian reptiles are worth visiting: Quelônios and
Tracajás. To arrive here you go to Porto do Peixe where you
walk to the river. It then takes 15 minutes walking through
the river.
Arquipélago do
Tropeço A conjunction of
366 islands forming a beautiful archipelago in the river
Tocantins. The islands and rocks form currents as well as
quiet places. O Tropeção (obstacle), as it is called, is a
reference for the depth of the water for those who travelled
accross the river in distant times. Although beautiful, the
canals are dangerous for somebody not used to navigate here.
The most used canal with canoes and motorboats is called Canal
das Cuias. It is advised to pass this area only with a guide.
You access this area by the road from Gurupi to Peixe
(TO-220), next by boat from Porto do Peixe river up for
Lagoa do Peixe According
legends it was at the fish lake that an enormous fish was found,
from which originates the name of the village. The lake is the
historical heritage of the village. The condition of the lake is
however alarming. It is located in the village.
Religious festivals In
June the patron of the village Divino Espírito Santo e
de Santo Antônio is commemorated. Then a procession is held at
the river Tocantins. Boats and canoes are decorated and carry
a picture of the patron. At the church the believers
sing and dance the dança da sússia (lê-se suça). It is a dance
of African origin with excited and slightly erotic
Folklore The
colonials looking for gold left habits, legends and traditions
during the history of the village. The local dish is
one of the highlights of Peixe culture: Arroz sirigado, feijão
casado com carneiro, arroz com pequi, a caranha ensopada and a
paçoca. Tipical , primitive African dances are still part of
the culture of Peixe: the sússia, o tambor, a dança da
garrafa, da jiquitaia, o chiu-chiu and a roda dos foliões.
There are also the songs: de roda, a catira e as
Addresses and
Departamento de Turismo:
Av. Pedro Ludovico
Hotel Santa
Choparia Mayan Drinks,
Av. Ludovico, s/nº
Churrascaria Gula: Av.
Lacerda, s/nº
Centro de Saude de
Peixe: Praça Ananais Leones, 851
Hospital Municipal de
Peixe: Av. Oscar José da Silva, 500
Delegacia de Policia:
Av. João Visconde, s/nº; Setor Aeroporto
Terminal Rodoviário de
Peixe: Av. João Visconde Oliveira, s/nº