National Parks
State Parks
Natural Monument
Area of Environmental
Protection (APA)
Reserva Particular do
Patrimonio Natural (RPPN)
- Fazenda Minnehaha – located at Almas, 745
- Reserva Bela Vista – located at Palmas,
113,61 hectares
- Sítio Ecológico Monte Santo –
located at Palmas, 52,73 hectares
- Água Bonita – located at Abreulândia,
127,95 hectares
is characterized by a complex system of conservation units. As a
matter of fact, 2,61% of the national territory is covered by strict
protected areas and 5,52% by areas dedicated to sustainable
development, for a total of 8,13% of the national territory. However,
this figure is slightly overestimated, since many areas of
environmental protection (APAs) include one or more conservation units
dedicated to indirect use.
The conservation units managed by Instituto Brasileiro de Meio
Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais Renovaveis (IBAMA) cover
approximately 45 million hectares and include about 256 conservation
units of direct or indirect use, among which Areas of Environmental
Protection, Biological Reserves, Ecological Stations, National
Forests, Areas of Considerable Ecological Interest, National Parks,
several Natural Heritage Private Reserves, and Wildlife Sanctuaries.
Main Categories of Protected Areas
Full text in Portuguese:
APA – Área de Proteção
Ambiental / Area of Environmental
Protection: it is a rather large area characterized by a
considerable population density and with abiotic, biotic, aesthetic,
or cultural features of great importance, above all for the quality of
life and well-ness of man. Protecting biological diversity, regulating
the settlement processes, and ensuring the sustainable use of natural
resources are among its main aims.
Refugio da Vida Silvestre / Wildlife Sanctuary:
this protected area aims at protecting the natural environments
ensuring the conditions for the survival and reproduction of species
or communities belonging to the local flora and to resident or
migratory fauna.
Reserva Biológica / Biological Reserve: it
aims at strictly safeguarding the natural aspects within its borders,
avoiding direct human interference or environmental changes, through
measures to recover altered ecosystems and management actions
necessary to recover or maintain the natural balance, biological
diversity, and natural ecological processes.
Estação Ecológica / Ecological Station: it
aims at safeguarding nature and carrying out scientific research
Parques Nacional (Estadual /
Municipal) / National Park: it aims
at preserving natural ecosystems of great beauty and ecological
importance, giving the opportunity to carry out scientific research
activities or developing environmental education and interpretation
activities, as well as promoting recreational activities at direct
contact with nature and ecological tourism.
ARIE - As Áreas de Relevante
Interesse Ecológico / Area of Considerable Ecological
Interest: not very large area, with a scarce population
density and extraordinary natural features of great importance at a
regional and local level.
RDS – Reserva de
Desenvolvimento Sustentável / Sustainable Development
Reserve: natural area including traditional populations whose
existence is based on sustainable systems of exploitation of the
natural resources which have been developed generation after
generation and adapted to local ecological conditions. They play an
essential role in the protection of nature and maintenance of
biological diversity.
Araguaia National Park
The extensive sedimentary plain which occupies the northern part
of Bananal Island -the largest river island in the world was formed in the quaternary period and is seasonally flooded by
the Araguaia and Javaes Rivers. The weather is hot, with rains more frequent from November to March and higher temperatures from
September to October. It is irrigated by many rivers, springs and lakes,
which overflow during the rainy season and flood the island.
The only part which is not affected is the Torrão area; where the Park's headquarters
are. The landscape has the features of the Cerrado (a type of
open forest formed by stunted, twisted trees), Pantanal (marshy lowlands in the state of Mato Grosso,
with a typical flora and fauna), and Amazonian Rain Forest ecosystems,
as well as transition zones among these environments.
Fields that can be flooded, or varjões, predominate, but there are features of the
cerradão, riverine forests, dryland forests and igapó forests (a kind of temporarily inundated forest).
Along the rivers, during the dry season, long white sandy beaches appear.
In areas that are flooded, tllere are Piassava and Buriti palms;
in the forests trees that stand out are Cow trees, Canchara Cabraleas,
Tabebuias, Pau-terra, Black Sweetwood, and Genipap, which is used by the Karaja Indians in rituals or festivals
to paint their skin. In the Cerrado, the Souari Nut tree and the Pau-d'alho are
common, together with many species of grasses.
The fauna is highly diversified with species such as Marsh Deer, Capybara, Herons and Egrets, all of which are linked to flooded environments.
Mammals that stand out are the Great Anteater, Maned Wolf, Jaguar, Giant Otter,
Armadillo, Deer and Peccary. Common birds are Toco Toucan, Water Turkey,
American Ostrich, Quail, Partridge, Fish Hawks and Orinoco Geese.
There are also Blue Macaws, typical of the Pantanal, Hoatzins, and Musician Wren which are typical of the Amazon. Among reptile species that
are prominent there are South America Anacondas, Paraguay Caymans, Black Caymans,
and Arraus, which lay their eggs on the beaches of the Javaes River in August and September.
In the waters, Pink River and Tucuxi Dolphins swim among Piranha, Stingrays,
Poraques, Pacus, Pirarucus or Pirosca, Tucunares, Curimatas and
The Karaja Indians, who were probably the original inhabitants of the region,
first had contact with Europeans back in 1658 via theJesuit missionaries from Para.
The next record is of the bandeirantes in the middle of the 18th century.
The bandeirantes from Sao Paulo were thus called because they were members of armed
bands called bandeiras, who entered the backwoods to enslave Indians and
prospect for precious minerals. They moved along the rivers and, as the Karaja Indians have always lived on the banks of the Araguaia River,
they ended up having contact with the white and half-bred men trying to occupy their territory.
Despite long contact with civilized men, they still preserve their native language and
customs such as the making of handicrafts, body painting, family fishing and rituals.
They live in 21 villages along the rivers and lakes in the region.
In 1773, when bandeirante Jose Pinto Fonseca was exploring and searching for Indians
to enslave in the area, he discovered that he was actually on an island and called it Santa' Anna.
Its name was later changed to Bananal Island.
The idea of creating a conservation unit in the region was first proposed at the
end of the 19th century by Andre Rebouyas, an engineer who supported the international
trend of creating national parks. However, the Park only came into being in 1959,
when its area enveloped all of the island of Bananal. Because of problems with the
Indian communities, the Park had its limits changed and now, in the northern part of
the island, it has 1/4 of the original area. It includes the Inawebohona Indian land and
borders the Araguaia Indian Park, where the Karaja, Javae and Ava-Canoeiro live.
Even today, the conservation unit faces problems as cattle grazing, predatory fishing, gathering of Arrau eggs, hunting,
pressure for roads to be built across the Park, fires caused by farmers, and conflict with the Indian population.
According to the Karaja Indians, they are descendants of the Berahatxi Mahadu people, who
lived in a cold and small place, at the bottom of the River. One day, a curious young man
found a way to the surface, which led him to Bananal Island. He was delighted with the beauty
of the beaches and with the vastness of the place. He called the other Karaja Indians,
who also came to the surface. There they lived happily for some time. but soon had contact
with disease and death and decided to return to the bottom of the river. However, the passage
was blocked by a huge snake. Thus they spread throughout the Araguaia, discovering its diversity and fish, learning how
to grow crops with the Biu Mahadu people. Today, for this reason, they live from fishing
and small crops. Apart from these economic activities, they sell handicrafts.
Amazonian Chelonians Project
Established in the Park since 1985, it aims at protecting the Arrau, or Amazonian Turtle, which lays its eggs in the beaches the region. The project is
developed at the junction of the Javaes and Araguaia Rivers.
Araguaia River
It is possible to sail nearly the whole extension of the main river. From June to September,
nice white sandy beach appear along the river.
Javaes River
This small arm of the Araguaia is another natural border of the Bananal Island, which forms
nice beaches during the dry season. Good for a dip.
Merces River
The main attraction of this river are the clean beaches without vegetation.
Araguaia Indian Park
Necessary to get a permit with Funai (Indian Affairs Bureau) to visit the
Indian Park, where you will be able to
have contact with the Indians and their customs. In the villages, it is possible to
buy ceramics handicraft and basketry.
Information: Phone (65) 522-1155.
During the dry season, from June to September, the long golden sand beaches of the Araguaia and Javaes Rivers are good for relaxing and walking. You can also go canoeing, with a permit of the bureau for environmental affairs, Ibama.
Boat Rides
Boat rides allow you to see some of the exuberant local fauna. Don't miss the sunset on the river bank.
The Araguaia River is famous for its abounding fish.
Canguyu, on the Javaes River, and Sao Felix do Araguaia, on the Araguaia River, are places with good facilities for fishing.
It is necessary to get a permit from Ibama.
To visit
Access: Not open for visitation.
Address: Aane 20, conj. 03, lote 02, Palmas, TO, 77054-010.
Phones: (63) 215-2023 and (65) 558-1138.
How to get there
There is an airstrip in Santa Terezinha, near the Park's headquarters.
By car from Palmas: take the TO-447 road towards Paraiso do Tocantins, then BR-153, up
to Nova Rosalandia. From this city, take TO-255 to Lagoa da Confusão.
It is paved all the way.
From Lagoa to Barreira da Cruz, which is on the Javaes river and the Park's limits,
it is around 60 km on a dirt road. It is also possible to go via Santa Terezinha, in the state of Mato Grosso.
Headquarters, dirt I roads linking the main points and the
The best time to visit the Park is from May to September, when it rains less and the river beaches appear.
Camping on the beaches around the Park is a good option to get to know the rivers and beaches
of the region: take your tent and gear. It is not permitted to
camp in the Park.
Boat riders are excellent guides: they know where animals can
be spotted and, in case of fishing, they know the best
pIaces in the rivers, outside the Park though.
Take care with Stingrays buried in the sand along the rivers. Shuffle in the sand to prevent stepping on them and getting stung by their tail.
Services at Lagoa da Confusao
Useful Addresses
City Hall. Rua Firmino Lacerda, 15. Phone: 364-1148.
Bus station. Rua João M. de AJencar, Phone: 364-1179.
Post Office. Rua Firmino Lacerda, 15. Phone: 364-1148. At the City Hall.
Hospital. Av. Vicente Barbosa, sinO. Ambulatory. Rua Firrnino Lacerda,
Phone: 364-1276.
Bank. Do Brasil.
Support for the Visitor Tourist Bureau. Rua Filismino de Souza, Phone: 364-1271.
Lagoa da Ilha. Rua Neusa Ribeiro, Phone: 364-1110. 20 rooms, air conditioning, swimming pools, water slides multi-sport court, bar, parking lot.
Pedra. Rua principal, Phone: 364-1132. 6 rooms, fans.
Pousada Lady Pleo. Av. Raimundo Filismino de Souza, Phone: 364-1118. 15 rooms, air conditioning, tv, frigobar, tel, parking
Real. Av. Vicente Barbosa, 7. Phone/fax: 364-1158. 8 rooms, tv, ai conditioning, parking lot.
Lagoa da Dha. Rua Lagoa da Jlha. Phone: 364-1110. Varied menu.
Pizzaria da Pedra. Rua Principal, Phone: 364-1132. Pizza.
Churrascaria da Lagoa. Na beira da lagoa. Phone: 364-1108. Meat and fish.
State Park
Located in the Brazilian state of Tocantins, this state
protected area is just where the Amazon Rain Forest begins,
showing the transition between the Cerrado ecosystem (a
savanna-like ecosystem in middle of Brazil ) and the rainforest.
This is a new Park and even Brazilians don't know it very well.
Also, this is one of the few protected areas that actually have
tourist infrastructure. To visit this park you should go to the
Tocantins state capital Palmas. Parque Estadual do Jalapão
Jalapão, practically unspoiled, is situated in the middle of the
vast Serra Geral with its clear rivers, beaches and unspoiled
natural surroundings. Jalapao stands alone in the west of the
recently formed, sparsely populated state of Tocantins and
covers an area of 34,113 square kilometres (21,196 square
miles). The area is known as the Jalapão desert but, in fact, it
is a large oasis because of the springs and brooks found amongst
the sandy soil, flowing down the Tocantins river valley, forming
beautiful waterfalls and rapids that provide living conditions
for diverse fauna and flora. The park's location is also a
transition area between the "caatinga" (dry, stunted
brushwood) area and the "cerrado" (woody pasture). Parque Estadual do Lajeado
O Parque Estadual do Lajeado tem como objetivo principal proteger amostras dos ecossistemas da Serra do Lajeado, assegurando a preservação de sua flora, fauna e demais recursos naturais, características geológicas, geomorfológica, e cênicas, proporcionando oportunidades controladas para visitação, educação e pesquisa científica. Também tem a finalidade de proteger os mananciais que abastecem a cidade e coibir a expansão urbana nas encostas. Foi criado pelo governo Estadual, através da lei n° 1.244, em maio de 2001. Monumento Natural das Àrvores Fossilizadas do Estado do Tocantins
Localizado no município de Filadélfia,criado através da lei n° 1.179 de outubro de 2000, o Monumento Natural tem 32.152 hectares.Seu objetivo principal é proteger uma raridade da paleobotânica: árvores fossilizadas! Resistindo à depredação, ao abandono das autoridades e ao descaso dos próprios moradores, este local encravado no interior do Estado abriga informações sobre uma das mais importantes transformações geológicas.
Acredita-se que a petrificação dessas árvores data do período triásico da era mesozóica, há 180 a 225 milhões de anos.Na localidade, para encontrá-las, não é necessário escavar ou fazer grande esforço para localizar um ou outro exemplar. A erosão superficial ocorrida acabou resultando em afloramentos, deixando expostos pedaços de troncos de árvores em meio ao cerrado e nas pastagens das propriedades ocupadas pelo Monumento.
APA Ilha do Bananal Cantão
Com o objetivo de proteger a biodiversidade e disciplinar o processo de ocupação assegurando a sustentabilidade do ambiente e funcionar como zona de amortecimento para o Parque Estadual do Cantão ,com uma área de 1.687.000 hectares foi criada pelo governo estadual a APA Ilha do Bananal/Cantão, lei n° 907 de 20/05/1997 englobando os seguintes municípios: Abreulandia, Araguacema, Caseara,Chapada de Areia, Divinópolis, Dois Irmãos, Marianópolis, Monte Santo e Pium. O Plano de Gestão da APA foi elaborado e está sendo implementado.
APA Nascentes de Araguaína
APA das Nascentes de Araguaína, criada pelo Governo do Estado
do Tocantins no município de Araguaína , tem aproximadamente
16 mil hectares, ocupando uma área de remanescentes de floresta
amazônica , com um cerrado mais denso, típico da região de
transição. Foi criada em 09/12/1999, através da lei n°
APA Foz do Rio Santa Tereza
A Apa Foz do Rio Santa Tereza localizada no município de Peixe, com cerca de 51.000 hectares, foi criada em maio de 1997, através da lei estadual n° 905.. Seu objetivo principal é a proteção de riquezas naturais que estejam inseridas dentro de um contexto de ocupação humana local, a conservação de sítios de beleza cênica e a utilização racional dos recursos naturais, bem como a manutenção da diversidade biológica e a conservação dos ecossitemas em seu estado original.
APA Lago de Peixe / Angical
Esta APA localiza-se nos municípios de Peixe, Paranã e São Salvador do Tocantins. Com quase 80.000 hectares esta Unidade de Conservação foi criada para compensar a degradação do ambiente gerada com a construção da Hidrelétrica de Peixe (ENERPEIXE).Sua criação data de 18 de março de 2002. Ainda não foi elaborado o plano de manejo.
APA Lago de Palmas
Criada pela lei estadual n° 1.098 em outubro de 1999, com cerca de 50.000 hectares. Abrange o município de Porto Nacional, embora esteja localizada nas proximidades da cidade de Palmas, logo após a ponte Fernando Henrique Cardoso que liga Palmas à cidade de Paraíso do Tocantins. A APA atinge apenas a área rural, sendo excluídas a zona urbana da cidade de Palmas e mineradoras de areia de grande porte, por apresentarem graus de alteração antrópica que dificultam a implantação de programas de conservação ambiental. Entretanto, os benefícios ambientais trazidos pela implantação da APA devem atingir não somente a população rural residente no seu território, mas também a população urbana. Isso se deve não somente à proteção de recursos naturais que afetem a vida urbana, como a qualidade de água do Lago, mas por seus limites abrangerem os arredores do Lago, promovendo o uso racional das áreas passíveis de expansão urbana próximas a ele.
APA Jalapão
Criada em junho de 2000, pela lei n° 1.172, com 461.730 hectares a APA do Jalapão ocupa terras dos municípios de Mateiros, Novo Acordo e Ponte Alta do Tocantins. Ela funciona como uma zona de amortecimento para o Parque Estadual de Jalapão e propicia a conectividade do Parque a leste com a Estação Ecológica da Serra Geral do Tocantins e ao Sul com o Parque Nacional das Nascentes do Parnaíba. Por sua localização estratégica ela faz parte do Corredor Ecológico Jalapão/Mangabeiras.Registra em seus limites a presença de espécies ameaçadas de extinção, como o Lobo Guará ( Chrysocyon brachyurus)e Arara Azul ( Anodorhyncus yacintinus).
APA Serra do Lajeado
A APA Serra do Lajeado criada em maio de 1997 pela lei n° 906, engloba os municípios de Aparecida do Rio Negro, Lajeado, Palmas, Tocantínia e Taquaruçu. Possui uma área considerável de 121.415 hectares e funciona como zona de amortização para o Parque Estadual do Lajeado. Esta APA tem como objetivo principal proteger os mananciais que abastecem a cidade de Palmas, bem como ordenar a expansão urbana próximo à encosta da serra. Tem Plano de Manejo e Zoneamento Ambiental elaborados. É fiscalizada e gerenciada pelo Instituto Natureza do Tocantins – NATURATINS.